A classroom routed in Universal Design for learning fits
into the Web 2.0 world because both are about letting the children both with
and without disabilities can work hands on during their learning experience. A
universal design for learning helps to “prevent barriers” for children,
allowing all the best opportunities to perform tasks. Children with
disabilities struggle with everyday tasks both inside and outside the
classroom. In an average week students spend more time in the classroom than
they do anywhere else. With the technical advances being made around us they
rely on technology to help them through certain tasks and activities. Students
with disabilities work better and gain more practice and experience when they
work hands on, especially with technology.
Web 2.0 does just that allows students and learners to work
hands on. One important feature of Web 2.0 is its “ease of use”. This is ideal
for those students with disabilities. Web 2.0 is also known as “read Write Web”
not only allows for students to look up and research information but allows all
of them no matter disability or not to “present and participate in creating
information”. Web 2.0 gets rid of the barriers as in a UDL, giving all
including those with a disability the opportunity to be involved. Our
technology is at its highest peak right now with so many positive changes and
advances. A computer and other devices such as the IPAD and the Tablets are
helping those with disabilities especially those with autism. With no barriers
in place web 2.0 provides a new way of communication. Students can share the
information they have found throughout their research. When using web 2.0 a
student with autism can feel open and have a way of open communication with
their teachers, fellow students and even others using the web 2.0. Through Web
2.0 students can branch out to those on social networks and share their
findings while learning more network. Web 2.0 works in a UDL classroom because
it creates a flexible curriculum and removes all barriers. Web 2.0 and UDL work
hand in hand in providing a restriction free learning environment and
The today show video “What is the Internet Anyway” is the
reaction of a group of digital immigrants. The three TV personalities do not
know a lot about the internet and every changing technology. They are not
native to the ever changing advances being made when it comes to the internet.
The Today show cast members are not a part of the Net Geners. They are not accustomed to how to use the
internet and the terms, etc. As we are digital immigrants as well when it comes
to our up and coming students who are digital natives we will have to stay up
with all the changes in technology and the internet. As a teacher to stay
educated we can take classes and communicate with fellow teachers. Sharing our
knowledge and asking fellow teachers of their knowledge can keep ourselves
educated. As educators we need to keep ourselves educated just as much as our
students. As teachers working with
topics we may not know everything about we should consider branching out and
asking for help. There is no shame in asking for help. Whether it is from
fellow teachers, friends and family, etc. There is also nothing wrong with
listening to our students a little bit, they may be able to teach us a little
something here and there and there is nothing wrong with that.
You talk a lot about student performance (e.g., hands on, etc) as it relates to UDL-- but please keep in mind that universally designing instruction is about more than just what the student does-- it is also about what the teacher does, how the instruction is designed and delivered. I agree with your statement about preventing barriers.
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to point out that while Web 2.0 tools are designed with "ease of use" in mind, it doesn't mean it is making learning "easier"...or if we use them we are making things easy or dumbing down in anyway. They are designed as 'enhancements' and in some cases, for students with disabilities, as "equal access tools" not "easier access".
I think you make a good point about interacting with your colleagues when it comes to staying abreast of tech topics. And yes, it is ok to ask for help!